We went for an almost 16 week sonogram/ultrasound (never know which word to use)...and boy was Baby Williams giving us a show of everything EXCEPT the goods! We spent half an hour just trying to figure out what "it" was!
Words to describe movement: Wiggle Worm, Feisty, Leg Crosser, Hiccupper, Difficult, Puncher, Kicker
After several decent views, our sonographer Judy (love her!) said she felt 95% certain it was a GIRL!!!! So of course I'm completely ELATED...I really don't care which it is, but somewhere deep down I want a little girl. I know I can figure out a boy, but I already know girl.
My mom came in town just as we got home from the doctor and we shared the news. She had made little Williams a quilt this summer at the Colorado cabin. It's adorable.
Could go Boy/Girl |
Either way, we'll be happy, but I can't lie...fingers are crossed that at our 20wk appointment we'll confirm GIRL :)
I'd post a sono pic, but we never seem to be able to catch her profile. We see the face right from the front, and I hate to say...Right now we have an alien baby. What I love to see - Baby Fingers & Toes...makes my heart smile.
Pretty happy that I'm spending time with family this weekend. Haven't seen my mom in a while and we'll spend Sunday at my grandmother's. Then Monday, it's just me and the main man. Perfect holiday weekend...and they keep saying something about cooler temps next week, but I certainly won't believe until I see it.