Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter 2012

Stella's 1st Easter
We went to Fort Worth to my grandmothers. We didn't make it to church. Stella doesn't do so well with really long days yet (filled with excursions) so we chose to hang out with family for a few hours. It was a great day!!

What do you get a newborn for Easter?
Swaddles & a college fund account...Thanks NeNe
(represented by pink bunny piggy bank)
Seriously...she never cooperates when I want her to...
and headbands are cute, but they don't last a minute
Stella Kate talking to her BeBe & Aunt Kitty
All smiles here!
Hmmmm...thinking about who knows what?!
Mom...I'm going to eat my hand if you don't feed me right now!
4 Generations
Aunt Kitty loves that baby girl
Trying to get a word in on our convo with her

So a quick low-down on SK...

She really really hates her crib & the pack 'n play
She will only sleep in her swing
I really thought I would never give in...I was adamant that she would never sleep anywhere but her crib...I really really thought I could be strong enough to make this happen...
But SERIOUSLY...a girl's gotta sleep...and I'm talking about both of us!

And how come they never tell you how hard breastfeeding is going to be?!?! When your child doesn't see your boobs religiously until out of the hospital, she's a little confused.  By week 6 we got it figured out. I could probably write an entire blog about this, but I imagine the whole world doesn't need the 411 on my boobs & Stella's eating habits.

Other than that...I'm loving this precious gift more and more everyday. Her personality is just coming alive and I know it's only going to get better! I can't believe she'll be 2 months old next how time flies. 

From the Beginning

How in the world am I going to sum this up? I've completely fallen off the blog-wagon!!
There is soooo much I want to say, but there's just no way to catch up.
So here's a glimpse of the last 7 weeks.
Sarah Todd - How do you do it?!?!

February 14th
We checked into the hospital that evening to start induction hoping meds would work and I'd deliver early sometime the next day. I was totally opposed to induction until my last week of pregnancy.
I stopped working about a week before I was due. I completely had the intention of working until she arrived!!
Before we left for the hospital.
Usually I'm a little more discrete...but this is what I was dealing with!!
 I couldn't take it anymore.
Happy Valentine's Day

February 15th
My labor & delivery - that's an entire moving on...

Stella Kate makes her arrival at 9:11 p.m.
8lbs. 3oz.  20.5in
(sunny-side up & unable to breath well)
Rushed to the NICU scaring us to death. I don't see her until just after midnight!

Week 1
Stella stays in the NICU on IV/antibiotics/etc. b/c she aspirated and swallowed all she could on the way out. She looked like her and Mike Tyson had it out on her way into the world. Poor baby girl. We are so incredibly thankful for the Presby Dallas NICU & Special Care Unit. Their doctors and nurses are wonderful. There was never a doubt in my mind that she wasn't in good hands. This too could be an entire blog - but I'm too behind to go into detail now.

Mommy held Stella for the first time 2 days after she was born
(a brief moment when there weren't any tubes)

Week 2
Stella moved to the Special Care Unit, a step down from NICU where they prep baby to go home. 
Stella worked on eating while there.
Stripes - Like Jail - They won't let me out!!
Going Home Day
February 26th

Week 3

Week 4

Week 5
Daddy multi-tasking

Week 6
North Texas Foot & Ankle Sip & See
Showing off his baby girl at the office 
1st Trip to the Dallas Arboretum
1st Trip to Fort Worth for NeNe's Birthday (great grandmother)

Week 7
Of course we took Bluebonnet pics...
She hated every minute of it!!
She was okay when daddy was holding her :)

Likes: baths, her swing, being rocked to sleep, 
riding in the car, walking in the neighborhood

Dislikes: putting clothes on, her crib, the pack 'n  play, 
sleeping (seriously I think she thinks she's going to miss something)

All I can say to sum it up: We've been blessed!!