Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Kitchen Curtains

So if it wasn't obvious, I am never truly satisfied with the look of my blog.  I like vintage, yet contemporary designs...I should just create my own, but that would take a lot more time.  Time that I'm just not willing to spend right now.   When I found this background it made me think of my kitchen curtains in the Colorado house...which I love love loved!  Tribute to kitchen curtains I guess?
All bundled up for yet another Oscar Nominee
We have almost completed the Oscar Nominee list for Best Picture.  We lack True Grit and I want to see Biutiful that's up for Foreign Film.  We do it every year.  Honestly, I prefer indie films and stuff that didn't make it big.  But I really did LOVE Black Swan, 127 Hours, The King's Speech, and The Fighter.
*Side note: Don't see Casino Jack...although enlightening about lobbyists, no entertainment value (not an Oscar nominee)

The Super Bowl came and went...I could care less.  If it's not the Boys, then I just don't give a damn.  Not that I ever have high hopes for them anyway.  If they make it, they do.  If the don't, they don't.

I was happy to spend a little time with friends & my favorite twin girls on Sunday.  
PUT IT ON THE CALENDAR!!! - Mitch actually made it to a social event...which consisted of seeing friends at their house while watching football...so he almost doesn't get credit.  He doesn't make it out much otherwise (only because he's a work-a-holic and not by choice).  Shame on me for having no picture to prove it!
Leyla & Hallie are getting so big!
Tomorrow may be yet another snow day!  Excited? Can't decide.  We have 3 weeks before Writing TAKS and there's no time to waste.  We've lost 4 days already.  Most of my precious darlings are more than ready and capable, but there's a select few that I can't afford to miss a day with.  Stay tuned to find out if we got to stay home due to "Inclement Weather" conditions (AGAIN). 

P.S. What do you think?  Can I watch a youtube video and figure out how to reupholster this myself?  Or should I just pay to have it done?  Fell in love with this 1940s Slipper chair that I found at Again & Again.  Can't stay away from that place!...and to my crafty friends...how in the world do you do piping?!
When it's done, there won't be a skirt
dark stain? opinions?


  1. Girlfriend, come to NoDak! I am slipcovering my couch!! You can TOTALLY do it yourself! Go to this website for some advice and inspiration: http://www.pinkandpolkadot.net/

    Call me if you have questions! Not sure I would recommend buying the eBook....besides, I can just email you mine. It was sorta helpful but not by much. I have tackled piping now too, so I can give you pointers. I know you can do it yourself, and you'll save lots of money!

  2. Maybe I could just pay to fly you down and you could do the work for me?! I don't have a sewing machine...although I really need one. I'll let you know how it goes!
