Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to all moms. Had a blast this weekend with my mom and Mitch in Austin. It was a quick trip, but we packed in some fun while we were there.

Katie deployed with the Red Cross this past week to deal with the Mississippi crisis...record tornado destruction, now flooding...She'll be there for a couple of weeks, so she couldn't make it this weekend. Hoping a permanent job comes from all of her hard work with them.

Mom wanted to go Zip-lining for Mother's Day...Cypress Valley Canopy Tours. It was a beautiful day zipping through 150 year old Bald Cypress Trees! Thank goodness for the shade and breeze because it was a hot one. I think summer is here Texas!

No...there aren't any shots of me zipping through trees. Plenty were taken, but I'm saving your one needs to see me all strapped into harnesses.

Patio, drinks and the perfect breeze in spring are always a good thing on my list.

Love this Lady!

Happy Mother's Day!

Our last weekend activity before returning to reality...Pecan Street Festival. Thank you Austin for the spectacular array of craziness, music, and strollers. Three parking garages later, we finally found one...7th floor, stairs only (or so we thought), ripped my jeans (that I shouldn't have been wearing in the first place) on the way back up...they were on their last leg and I knew it. It's like Main Street Arts Festival in Fort Worth, but times a million sweaty people! Didn't find anything I couldn't live without.

This explains how hot it was...Thank goodness they can't
cry and scream like the million children that were...Poor Beau.

catching what little shade there was

We didn't abuse our babies with the heat...
They got a water and shade stop about every 50 feet.
And they were exhausted for the trip back!
You have no idea how good that makes a road trip with dogs!

I was almost right there with him.
Had I known we were going to go down there,
I would've packed a dress or shorts!

Here's some other recent stuff...

I wish I could post the pics from our post TAKS field trip to the park. I let the kids have my camera and they took all the pics. It's some of the best stuff I've seen! These two are not examples of their fine work...they're just an example of there "ok" work.

my teaching partner in crime & I keeping an eye on the kids who
lost their recess privileges because they can't  play nice

Super flattering right?! Silly Mrs. Williams!

and Easter at the Janssen's...

T-minus 13 days until we're on the beach relaxing in Mexico and seeing our wonderful friends get married. 

And the countdown has been on for school to get out...19 days - the 2 I'll be in Mexico = 17 days until SUMMER BREAK!!!! And you think the kids are excited!

Summer Plans: Relax like it's my job...oh is my job (during the summer), go to Hawaii, spend a long weekend on the coast, sleep, sun, sleep, and find a new place to live...Dallas bound in August.

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